Why Your ‘Manifestation’ not Happening?
Universe is very huge even we can not imagine with our ordinary sense of human mind. In this universe there is continuously creation and destruction happening at very vast level, and the best part of it, universe have all you can imagine is manifest and materialize in no time. so, let ask to universe for abundance of what your desire.
There are plenty of teacher and mentor; who are giving lectures on Affirmation and Manifestation, but none of this method working for you? Why this is happening? You might have question. There are thousands of website and Youtube Chanel- who claims to manifest anything you desire, but when you try their method you found to be nothing and hopelessness. There is great saying: ‘You cannot filled A Pot with water that is already filled’. Same as with our mind; we have mind, full of thoughts and busy in past and future thoughts, which are unconsciously taking over our true nature. We first need to empty our mind through the various methods, because we can only fill empty pot!
You first need to do this practice of breathing; called alternate nose breathing, when you do this along with your affirmation it will give you a boost in your desirable manifestation. It will take you in the present moment that will be best time to start your manifestation
First Choose a small desire and do practical on it, because it’s just beginning, so start with small thing and your imagination will further expand whatever you want in your life
For the perfect shot you need to do; Write your desire on the blank paper and write it in bold and clear font, so that you can read clearly and repeat it when it needed. Writing on paper is best method, because it remind you to imagine and feel the relationship with object or subject
Create an affirmation by repeating the desire from the paper you already have written desire name. Only repeat for 30 minute like in rhythmic cycle; same as we chant mantra. Do it on fix time daily for at least one week. This chant is like: Thank you God for giving such beautiful car (just example of car)… I am grateful for all you give me.
When you chant this Mantra, you should imagine your desire as it is already fulfilled. Because, without feeling the object when you already have it, you cannot connect to the exact desirable thing in the universe. Imagination and feeling is very important in your manifestation
Open yourself for the universal gateway. Don’t oppose anything that is coming for good, because universe is waiting for you to welcome you there. You only need to realize that you are very important person in this universe and you only need to open the portal of this universe with your strong willingness and love for the universe. There is nothing you cannot get from universe. Everything that you can think of, available easily in the universe
Last and final step to complete your manifestation is ‘Gratitude’. We have to grateful to universe for fulfilling our desire with love. So, in final step in your 30 minutes of chanting; you need express strong gratitude to universe for fulfilling you desire. This is very ancient way practicing in India from thousands years. When they used to wake-up in morning first thing to do is, to thank to the God for giving us everything in our life. That small gratefulness will impact very big in your life as you practice it with love.
This all five steps in this manifestation method you have to follow and after one week you will see the result. Here I would say; if in any case your manifestation not happened in one week then do it for three week and if still you could not get any result you can contact me by writing mail or comment in the comment box.
I wish you all would manifest your desire and love by practicing above method and share your experience if you found this helpful. Thank you:)