You are not an ordinary Being!

Only_Passion Drives
3 min readMay 4, 2023


Let me tell you a story: There was a well in a village, and many frogs lived in it. None of those frogs had ever stepped outside the well, for them the well was everything. They were trapped in that well, that their strong beliefs do not allow them to even think outside of well. They were also sure that the well was the whole world, and there was nothing outside of it! But one day when one of them jumped out of the well, he lost his senses, and after that, he left the well and went out to see the world outside. The meaning of telling this story is that; we too should step out of our well and see the world of which we are unaware. And we don’t need to do anything special for this; instead, we have to look inside ourselves, where the treasure of infinite possibilities is hidden.

See your original and soulful form, you will find a shadow of immortality

Don’t act on the acts of worlds because what you see is merely an illusion

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

We often see ourselves as a very common person, not a special human on this planet. In the context of life, it seems very common but infect; is magical to be born as a human and find the way and real reason to be born as human. If I say; there is only one reason enough to make you special in the billions of people? We are born as children and when we grow up; we see people busy and involved in materialistic things, and as usual we choose to follow in the footsteps of other people (as they followed the footsteps of their idles) and it’s going on. We all do: what we have already in our minds inspired by the creativity of others. But we didn’t explore the vast opportunity to know ‘Your-self’ within you!

Even if we look from the point of view of science, it is very possible that we can achieve the highest levels of intelligence, and many such examples can be seen in many yogis; Through the path of spirituality, we have interviewed those achievements and the owner of that infinite power. Be it a Siddha Purush like Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Highest spiritual leader) or a Yoga Siddha Purush like Yogananda Paramahamsa. We are not able to use our brains more than 10%, and it is authentic, that the person who practices spiritual activities or practices yoga activities; has capabilities of his mind much more than the common man, and he/she can do many things very easily, which we cannot even think about. This proves that: human has a store of unimaginable powers, but he/she cannot get them without knowing them completely. And to know it; meditation is the highest way. Through meditation, many Siddha (Enlightened person) saints have not only known the truth for centuries but also made many misguided and depraved people follow the right path. To know meditation in a real sense, we have to analyze closely one by one the origin of thoughts and peace of mind, then leave them freely and go ahead, getting stuck in those thoughts. But before all this, we just have to practice sitting quietly. Choose a quiet place in the house sit in a comfortable position regularly and keep the spine straight. And it is just to calm your thoughts, nothing else. See for yourself how beneficial it will be for you to do this much.

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Only_Passion Drives
Only_Passion Drives

Written by Only_Passion Drives

Passionate about writing on yoga, meditation, and technology.

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